
Staff Ride: The New Cross-Bronx Expressway

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Here’s the second installment in our series of ride suggestions from Bike New York staff members. Next borough up—since we’re going in order of appearance at the TD Five Boro Bike Tour— is this epic, park-heavy cruise through the Boogie Down Bronx. It comes courtesy of Director of Education Rich Conroy who can often be found exploring his borough’s many bikeways on one of his many bikes.  Click here to see this route on Google Maps. Read what Rich had to say about it, below, and if you have a Bronx ride to suggest, share it with us in the comments!

Start at The Van Cortlandt Mansion and Museum and follow the Bronx Greenway past the nation’s oldest public golf course and Van Cortlandt Lake (this ride’s only difficult climb), toward the New York Botanical Garden. Head south toward Pelham Parkway, hang a left, and ride to Pelham Bay Park. You’ll pass the towering Bronx Victory Memorial and cross a drawbridge. At the end of the drawbridge, follow the greenway along City Island Road for a tasty seafood lunch on City Island. If you’ve still got energy to burn, there’s plenty of hiking to be had nearby at the north end of Orchard Beach.